What is Moving To & Living in Haiti Like? Security, Transportation, Healthcare, Food

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What is Moving to Haiti Like? Security, Transportation, Healthcare

Moving to Haiti. Haiti as a developing country has struggled with challenges over the years that many similar countries go through. These challenges have been compounded by the devastating 2010 earthquake that killed thousands and displaced millions of people. The first thing to consider when moving to Haiti is the location (Check out our Haiti’s property listings for more info).

The capital Port-au-Prince is a bustling and crowded city with a high level of unemployment and poverty. Despite the challenges, Haiti is still home to millions of people in the Caribbean nation. The country is also naturally stunning with a rich and diverse cultural heritage for tourists and expatriates alike.

While rural life may appear cheap, it’s more difficult due to the high poverty rates in the countryside. In this article, we talk about what living in Haiti is like, including transportation, security, and healthcare.

Moving to Haiti: Transportation

Haiti is not well networked in terms of road infrastructure, and much of the good ones are still being developed. However, the country’s most popular form of transport is known as ‘tap-tap’, which are modified vans and trucks designed to make traveling around the country economical for the majority. If you want more comfort, you can hire a private car or opt to be chauffeured around the city.

Moving to Haiti : Transportation

As a prospective resident of Haiti, it is important to note that most roads are in a poor state, hence the choice of a vehicle type is important. You can also move around in minibuses available in major urban centers. These mini buses are somehow more comfortable, especially if doing long-distance travel. The country has its main airport in Port-au-Prince and another one, Cap-Haitian airport is located on the northern side.

Moving to Haiti: Security

Haiti has had problems with security over the years, hence the need to observe government advisory when living in the country. The government usually advises people to avoid certain areas within the capital. There has also been some level of political instability with the frequent protest being a common thing.

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To avoid being in danger, you must keep away from the mix of potential protests as they may turn violent. It’s also advisable that you don’t travel with large sums of money for security reasons. Nonetheless, the crime rate has significantly reduced despite the persistent poverty levels over the years. However, you’re still advised to be vigilant all the time.

Healthcare and Food

Healthcare services in Haiti have been relatively poor, even though a lot of improvement has been realized over the last decade. Some areas are known to have better medical facilities, particularly in the capital. For precautionary measures, always confirm that the water and food you’re consuming are safe as cholera outbreaks are common occurrences in Haiti.

Moving to Haiti : Haitian Food

Emergency services such as ambulance services are not quite reliable. It’s not unusual to see ex-pats living in Haiti being airlifted to the United States for serious medical attention when they fall ill.


Haiti, just like any other developing country, has its challenges that affect the living experience of many people who decide to settle in the county. However, the Caribbean country still offers much for anyone who would like to live there, including amazing natural beauties. Check us out on Social Media.

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